Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The big play is tomorrow!

Please work hard today in making sure that your lines and blocking are memorized for tomorrow!  Let's show our commonwealth school what you have learned about acting this semester.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Play Time!

We have only one more rehearsal before our play!  I was a little disappointed in the level of preparedness yesterday.  When we asked for the young actors to pull out their scripts, only one had brought their script with them.  I was hoping that with two weeks to read over the scripts, most lines would be memorized and that our actors would come to class prepared.  Dorothy has done an amazing job at memorizing her lines and I know that in the next week everyone else can also!  The other thing that everyone needs to practice is projecting their voices.  Work hard this week and we will have a fun play to share with our school next week.
-Teacher Leiloni

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Costume Call

We have had our first read through of the play and I will be emailing each of you the full script to print out at home.
During the Thanksgiving break, each actor needs to memorize their lines.
Also, each person is responsible for their own costumes.
Kaela - Lion - do you have brown pants and a matching(ish) top?
Jonathan - gray sweats
Zoe - please bring in dress
Fischer - tux
Scarecrow - old clothes
Molly - tan or brown clothes
Raina - look for something that Dorothy might wear (it does not have to be the traditional Dorothy costume)
Work hard on those lines and have a happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Another Play Opportunity

... and this one is FREE!
. . . and it is performed by homeschoolers!
December 2nd at 4:00pm at the Tacoma Musical Playhouse at 7116 6th Avenue.
My family will be there.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Only three more weeks!

Three weeks?!?  Where did the time go?  Today we practiced getting into character with our new parts.  We only have a few rehearsals before the play!  When is a good time for an additional dress rehearsal? 
Next week we will run through the play and hear a monologue from Kaela. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Play Rehearsal Time!

Today we played an improv game called Stop! Go! and then we heard monologues from Jonathan, Lacey, Zoe and Fischer!  
We have also announced official casting for the play: Alice in Candyland written by Alina.
Dorothy - Reina
Wicked Witch - Zoe
Toto - Kaela
Lion - Molly 
Glenda - Lacey
Tinman - Jonathan
Dr. OZ - Fischer
Scarecrow - Alina
We are currently seeking: a lion's mane, a furry jacket and pink hula hoop for costumes or props.
Teacher Nalani is our costume director, assistant director, as well as the voice of Auntie M.
Teacher Leiloni is the director.
Alina is our playwright as well as assistant director. 
We will be rehearsing our play during class but if any additional rehearsals are needed what day or time would work for everyone? 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Spooky Stories and Improv!

This last week we had an improvisation game and then scary story telling.  This week we will be start rehearsing for our play.  I also would love to hear monologues from anyone who has not performed.  This includes: Fischer, Kaela, Lacey and Jonathan.  Zoe also wanted to grace us with another monologue.  This time lets try not to have any songs.  Only good old acting. Again this can be a piece from a play, a movie or even something that the child has written themselves!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lights, stage, action!

This week we learned about setting the stage for acting and for a stage performance.  We also were able to have short interviews to see how each student feels that they feel how the class is doing.  I probably should have warned them first because they all seemed a little worried at first that they were in trouble.  Next week we would like to hear monologues from Fischer, Kaela, Lacey and Jonathan. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Play Performance

I will be attending the Tacoma Youth Theatre's version of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow on October 30th at 7pm.  Please let me know if your child is interested in attending this showing.  More information can be found at: 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Becoming the Character

This week we discussed becoming the character. 
Next week, I will be going on the core field trip so Teacher Nalani will be taking over class so I hope that everyone will be on their best behavior.  Kaila and Mollie were going to perform their monologues but I would like to push them back a week further so that I will be there to see them.  
Have fun!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Round of Applause for our Guest Speaker!

Last Thursday we had a wonderful visit from Maggie Knott from the Tacoma Youth Theater. She taught us about projection, pantomiming props, stage directions and more. We really appreciate her visit. If your family is interesting in participating in a play or attending one with her theater, please go to:

Next Week Fischer and Reina will be presenting their monologues for the class and we will learn about creating a character. 

Have a great week working on all of your monologues and setting your acting goals!

Dramatically Yours, 
Teacher Leiloni 

Monday, September 29, 2014

This Week's Guest Speaker

This Thursday we will have Maggie coming to speak with us from the Tacoma Youth Theater.  It should be a lot of fun to see what she can teach us!
Also, on Friday I will be going to the Midsummer Night's Dream at The Tacoma Little Theater.  There are a couple of seats still open near me if you want me to bring any of your children.  The tickets near where I am sitting are $15 a person.  If you would like your family to go, the tickets are $15 or $22 at:  If you are dropping off a child with me, then I can purchase the ticket and you can pay me back on Thursday.  If your family is attending, then just follow the previous link!
Teacher Leiloni 

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Monologues have started!

This week we were able to discuss our play further and the students are currently thinking of doing our own version of the Wizard of Oz except it will be the Wizard in Candyland!  
We watched our first two performers: Zoe and Alina.  Zoe sang a song and Alina read a monologue that she wrote from the perspective of her cat.  Typically a monologue is a performance piece that is a memorized piece that is acted from one character's point of view.  However, we are open to creativity in this class from seasoned actors.  Younger actors could also choose to do a dramatic reading. 
We were also able to discuss the first chapter in the book: Respect for Acting about setting acting goals.  This week each person in the class should set their own personal acting goals.  
I am also taking my oldest son to the play: Midsummer Night's Dream this upcoming Friday if you would like any of your children to go, please let me know immediately.  Just remember that this is a Shakespeare play and requires mature audience members.
Thanks for the fun these last couple of weeks!  One hour is just not enough time :)
Teacher Leiloni

Monday, September 22, 2014

Presentation Dates

Here are the dates for the monologue performances:

September 25th - Alina and Zoe

October 2nd - Tentative Field Trip

October 9th - Fischer and Reina

October 16th - Kaela and Mollie

October 23rd - Lacy and Jon

October 30th - Zoe 

The younger students may need help finding a monologue.  Please email me if you would like more information in finding monologues for children.

-Teacher Leiloni 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Blog Tester

I want to check to make sure that I am posting on the blog correctly so please let me know if you saw this.

Last week for class we discussed monologues more in depth and watch a few examples.  We also played another getting to know you game and an emotion charades game.  We have begun to discuss what short play that we will perform this semester and Alina has volunteered to write it for us.  (Alina please email me this week about it.)

Zoe and Alina are the first to present their monologues for us this upcoming week.  I will post a schedule with everyone else's dates on it. 

Thanks for being willing to try new things!

-Teach Leiloni

Thursday, September 4, 2014


It was nice to see you all today at the back to school day!  I am excited to see you all next week.  You do not need to bring anything except comfortable clothes that you can move around in.  If you are reading the book: Respect for Acting, please bring it and any notes that you have on the book.